It’s that time of year again!  Time to run, squat, push up, and pull up in honor of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice! The workout consists of a 1 mile run, 100 pull ups(modified), 200 push ups, 300 squats, and another 1 mile run!  This year we are raising money for the Wounded Warrior Project(  

We will be doing “The Murph” the morning of Memorial Day, May 29th.  Depending on how many participants we have we may have multiple heats.  Anyone is welcome to participate.  Invite your friends, husbands, families etc.  The cost is a $50 donation which also gets you an STF Murph workout t-shirt.  You can also make a $30 donation and just participate in the workout!  All the proceeds from the day go to the Wounded Warrior Project.  

To register please fill out the following form.  Registration ends May 1st(in order to receive shirts).  All registrations after that will not receive a shirt!  

Registration Form:

 Starting March 1st we will start the next 2 month Fitness Challenge- Couch to 5k.  As the weather begins to change and turn into the perfect running weather we will work towards running/walking a 5k together in May.  This challenge is also a fantastic way to prepare for the MURPH in May! 

We will follow the C25K app pictured to the right.  It consists of 3 runs/walks a week for 8 weeks.  The runs/walks slowly escalate up to 3 miles or 30 mins of movement.  You can follow the program with walking/running or walk/power walking/jogging.  Whatever feels most comfortable for you.  These workouts can be done on a treadmill or outside. 

We will follow the same accountability as last month.  You will send me a screenshot of your completed week(the app checks it off). Every completed week gets you 1 entry to the final drawing and the completed 8 week program will earn you 5 entries.  Work through the app at your own pace.  You just need to get the program done in the alloted time.  The reward for this challenge is a $50 gift card to Potomac River Running. 

The Challenge will start March 1st and will end April 30th.  I scheduled some extra days due to spring break/potential illness/weather etc. 

I will choose a local (Fairfax) 5K race for us to do together when we get closer to the end.  If you are not local then celebrate your hard work with signing up for a 5K race close to you. 


Couch to 5K Fitness Challenge